Friday, August 15, 2008

100 Facts About Me

Yes I know. I'm stealing this idea from Sean so sue me. I'm suffering from a disease called blogger turrets as previously stated. It will pass sooner or later. I'm going to start off at childhood and now that I think about it I was probably an annoying kid. 100 Facts about Me

  1. The first time I went on a plane was a family vacation to Disney World. I was six weeks old. I'm sure we went because my brother even at the age resented my appearance into the world

  2. I sucked my third and fourth fingers for much longer than I care to admit

  3. When I was a kid I couldn't fall asleep unless my foot was in someone elses back

  4. I wasn't allowed to wear jeans till around the 4th or 6th grade

  5. I received one pink slip during my time at St. Brigid's from some red haired teacher (her name escapes me) for running in the halls. I told her I never did. I was I just wasn't fast enough

  6. My best friend Dana beat me up when I was five and she was three. Dana had really long nails for a kid and started scratching me. Her mom made her cut her nails after that.

  7. I had the smallest bedroom in my house but shared that room with my sister till I was six

  8. My sister had really bad cramps one day I was in first grade and she wouldn't play with me so I threw out her entire bottle of Advil because I was mad. When I turned 11 I finally realized how evil that was

  9. I started watching daytime soap operas on my own when I was 11 years old.

  10. I was a very picky eater as a child. I wouldn't eat eggs until much later in life

  11. I've always wanted a sister that was close to my age

  12. I can quote several episodes of the Golden Girls

  13. When I was a child I wanted to be a Cardiologist because I thought that was the only way I could afford to buy a Porsche

  14. I wanted my sister to name her daughter Alyssa if she was girl and Jonathan if he had a boy. I was watching Who's the Boss when she was born

  15. My two favorite islands as a child were Barbados and St. Croix
  16. My dad hated the regular movie theater he always took us to the Drive In. My mom hated the Drive In. The last movie my mom took me to see was License to Drive
  17. Out of the two Coreys I liked Corey Feldman better
  18. I want at least three kids, two boys and one girl.
  19. When those three kids grow up I want to have foster kids
  20. I never saw myself married but always saw myself having kids
  21. My first job was at McDonalds and on my first day at work Sean showed up while I was training.
  22. I didn't take the school bus my entire senior year of high school in the morning. I made my mom or my brother pick me up
  23. In middle school I've had my friends call a guy on three way and ask them if they liked me while I stayed quiet on the phone
  24. I had an unhealthy crush on Eddie Furlong after Terminator 2 came out
  25. Terminator 2 was the first movie that I saw in the movie theater twice
  26. The last movie my dad took us to see at Drive In was Coming to America
  27. Most of my favorite episodes of the Cosby Show involve Vanessa. Especially the one where she goes to Baltimore to see the wretched
  28. If I have sons I love the names Malcolm and Raphael
  29. If I have daughters I want to name them after typical male names e.g. Jordan
  30. I don't remember really listening to hip hop until middle school
  31. I wore a uniform to school everyday from the first grade to my senior year of high school
  32. Out of all my high school years I think 10th grade was the best
  33. When I was in high school I was a size 8 or 9 and I thought I needed to lose a few pounds
  34. When I was a kid my brother and I called our house the Raphael Hotel because every summer my house was full of visitors from Trinidad
  35. My first concert was to see Debbie Gibson. My dad took me when I was 10 years old. I won the tickets from Z100
  36. When I was young I had really long braids. One day I went into the bathroom and cut one of my braids off
  37. When I was a child I had a tendency to walk away from my mom in the store. At Great Adventures I had the entire park looking for me
  38. I was in the Gospel Choir freshman year, one of my most favorite after school activities
  39. I was a girl scout till 10th grade
  40. I want to live alone for at least a year before I get married
  41. When I was in high school I didn't believe in pre martial sex
  42. There was a point in my life that I prayed every night
  43. When I was a kid I took swimming, tap, ice skating and gymnastics lessons. I can't do any of those things today
  44. When I was younger I had a bike I could never ride because my brother always took it
  45. I wasn't allowed to leave the block by myself when I was a child
  46. I almost got hit by a car trying to catch the Ice Cream man that we called Uncle Jerry
  47. Now that I think about it I really don't think Uncle Jerry liked little black kids
  48. When my grandfather came to visit when I was a kid we would walk to the pizzeria and he would buy me a slice a pizza and welch's grape soda. (Total cost $1)
  49. I sobbed when Mufasa died in the Lion King
  50. The first Broadway show I saw was Rent
  51. I met my last boyfriend on and am not opposed to the idea of Internet dating
  52. I've wanted to be a Zeta since I was 11 years old and never wanted to be anything else
  53. I never want to be in a relationship with another Greek
  54. My family comes to me to help plan vacations because they know I will search for the cheapest options when it comes to travel
  55. My favorite scenes from the movie Airplane is any scene that involves the black guys speaking Jive
  56. For many years all I ate at TGI Fridays was the chicken fingers and french fries
  57. For most of high school I thought I was going to be a clinical psychologist
  58. Some people think I have one too many pairs of shoes
  59. I've read every Harry Potter book and secretly think Daniel Radcliffe is kind of cute
  60. I dislike Jennifer Aniston. I don't think she is pretty. I don't think she is much of an actress either. And I think Brad upgraded when he left her for Angie
  61. The older I get the more cynical I feel
  62. For my senior prom I dropped off the other couples in the limo (even though they paid for the whole night) picked up my brother, Sean, Andrew and my cousin Donnie. We went to Bentley's in the city. The first and only time I visited the legendary club before it closed
  63. I actually like cutting the grass in the spring time the summer is a different story
  64. For a long time I felt like I didn't do enough for my Dad when he was alive. I also have a long list of things to ask him that I never got the chance to
  65. I have always wanted to go on vacation for a long weekend by myself
  66. I was a virgin till I was 21 years old
  67. I am addicted to Twizzlers
  68. I made it to Orange belt in karate
  69. I am better at saving money in my sock draw than I am with saving money in a bank
  70. When I lived on my own I used to return bottles to reduce my grocery bill
  71. There is only one person in the world that I can tolerate speaking to every day and that is Dariel
  72. I've only really been dumped once since high school. Jeremy broke up with me but never told me. I found out from Denise. I wasn't really feeling him anyway. I moved on quickly
  73. Even though I've only been dumped once I've had my heart broken several times
  74. I'm never seen all of Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  75. I enjoy skinemax and HBOZ porn
  76. At last count I may have at least 65 first cousins
  77. When I was a kid I didn't think my parents liked me much. There were just very stern with me and I took that the wrong way
  78. I used to be able to cook collard greens very well and cook well in general
  79. Even though I can cook I don't know how to make anything native to my country
  80. I've only dated one guy younger than me and that lasted about a week
  81. The summer before I left Albany I dated two different bus drivers (that drove the same bus #12 Washington
  82. When in high school, when Kizzy would visit we would spend the entire day getting ready just to get on the bus and go to the mall
  83. I was crazy for Taye Diggs and saw the Best Man three times
  84. I can't wait for my hair to be natural but a little scared at the same time
  85. I will spend more money on shoes and makeup but not clothes
  86. I'm secretly beginning to think everyone is a racist against everyone and no one can get past stereotypes
  87. I would rather sit at home with a video and popcorn then go out to the club
  88. I would love to live in another city for at least one time in my life. Cities on the list are Atlanta, Ft. Lauderdale, San Diego, San Francisco and Chicago
  89. I wasn't ready for college at 18 years old
  90. Before I became a Zeta most of the clothes in my closet were pink or green
  91. It is one of my personal goals in life is to be organized
  92. I maybe addicted to acupuncture
  93. When I younger I felt like I was going to die young and of something like cancer
  94. My favorite family vacation was to Hawaii
  95. If I could I would take a cruise at least once a year
  96. I really don't want a big wedding. The smaller the cheaper the better. And I would prefer it to be on an island
  97. I didn't have a mirror in my room for many years because I hated how I looked. I am glad to say now I brought a mirror and working on the way I look
  98. I'm writing this blog right now but my sister says I should be cleaning my room
  99. I am really good at trivia pursuit but never get the sports and science questions
  100. By my 30th birthday I hope to have accomplished at least two of my personal goals

That was easier than I thought

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