Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Rosa sat so Martin could walk

Martin walked so Barack could run

Barack is running so our children can fly!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my God, Jess...as I have been saying to everyone, this is HUGE!!
I'm listening to the commentary the day after, and I'm hearing from my contemporaries...those of us who remember seeing Dr Martin Luther King march with a young Jessie Jackson...Jack and Bobby Kennedy hold out so much promise, only to have it snatched away. I said last nite to my young cousin, this is what I had hoped my generation could accomplish with the 18 yr old vote and what we have failed to do...this young generation has finally fullfilled the promise. I am moved and encouraged, elated and anxious, and mostly hopeful. We must not drop the ball here...or think that someone else will carry it. We must all continue on the path that has been finally opened up to and for us all....
The hippies have finally taken over! sorry it took us so long..we were busy groovin...tunin in, turnin on and dropping out. We finally decided to drop back in, with the help of generation X.
woo hoo!!!!!
I'm gonna start crying again!