Thursday, December 04, 2008

When you Really Have Nothing to Say

Last month I wrote a post on Why We Blog. Quick recap: Queen Latifah says any idiot that wants attention has a voice and a vehicle to do so. That brings me to this gentlemen, Mo Kelly.

I didn't read his blog (I was kind of disappointed to see a pundit with a radio show have a domain on blogspot but that is just my opinion). I will read his blog just when I have the time. From first glance it doesn't seem like he writes much there was just a bunch of reposted articles. I had to email him. If you go to his blog he said a few unfavorable things about my organization. I'm not going to post them but you can look if you so chose.

Dear Mr. Kelly,

While I respect your right to have an opinion and an avenue to express it, I must say I am disheartened by the articles you wrote about my organization.
This letter is not in pro Sheryl. This is about moving forward about supporting an organization that has committed itself to uplifting and helping the community and not continue to break it down.
I attended our Boule held this past summer in Las Vegas, NV as a voting delegate for my chapter. Even though I did not cast a vote for Soror Underwood when the election results were announced I respected the decision of the voting body. I understand that some of my sorors have issue with the results and I respect their decision to voice that opinion and act accordingly. Now that the courts have spoken it is necessary to move on and move forward.
You address Soror Underwood’s decision to post the findings of the lawsuit on the International website. As you are aware that court proceedings are public record and anyone who wanted this information would be able to obtain if they chose. Even though we are a sisterhood Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc is a business with corporate partnerships and affiliations. If you were a business person that wanted to work with an organization would you proceed knowing the organization had a pending lawsuit that was not resolved? You have unfairly judged Soror Underwood for posting sorority business. Have you visited the websites for other NPHC organizations? There are other groups that have lists of their members who were suspended. One website had the names of the members on probation suspended or expelled. There is even a section of ones that are banned from application. Natasha Starks is not the first person to be expelled from our organization or any organization and she will not be the last.
I do not know how extensive your knowledge is of Black Greek History but in January 1913 a group of women did not like the direction that the sorority was going. They met, changed the name, colors and motto for the organization. Senior members threatened this group of women with expulsion if they did not cease their activities. On January 13, 1913 those members were expelled from Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta was born.
Upheaval within an organization is not a new concept. It happens in mine and I’m sure it happens in other groups as well.
We need to move forward and remain positive in these rough times. Unless you have a crystal ball and no for a fact that Sheryl will fail then don’t judge her based on things she hasn’t done. If she fails at her job, at our next Boule I will vote accordingly.

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