Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Post of 08

Well what can I say.

I actually committed to this blog. There was a lot that I wrote about and quite a bit I left out. When I was really sad around the holidays I only really hinted around those feelings around my Dad's birthday. I have an hour till the movie starts so I guess I better get to work on the last post of the year.

January - July
An interesting few months. Didn't write a damn thing but I remember one thing from the time in my life. I decided in February that I didn't want to be single anymore and I was going to try online dating. So I put up a profile on There were a few guys that I talked to and the one I ignored for a month. Like always the one I liked for a month became my boyfriend for three months and I fell for him hard. Those three months I felt a peace that I haven't felt in quite sometime. I had problems but they didn't seem so bad. Then my day it was over and I still don't think I'm right. During this time my relationship with my mother became further strained because of her "friend". I know in my heart if I continued to live here my relationship with my mom would have beyond repair. Now I miss her when I don't speak to her or see her. Sometimes distance is the only thing that can help a relationship.

I had a lot of emotions this month I cried, and cried, and cried. We said goodbye to two great men and real change started to come.

I decided to get help this month. The financial kind. Lynette gave me an early Christmas present she said I can be OK with what I have. I'm still working on the plan she set up for me but Rome was not built in a day and I will not be financially responsible overnight but 09 is coming and change is coming. So the search became a reality

I got the place and school was kicking my but this month so I didn't write much. I must say during this time I was doing very well.

My life changed in November in so many ways. I moved out, I voted and with one election I was forever changed. The election changed me not because of its historical importance but changed me because I truly feel that "Yes We Can". I recall the day I cast my vote and how I held back the tears after I pulled the lever. I cried because I never thought I would live to see the day and I cried for all the people who are gone who would have been overjoyed by this election. President elect Barack Obama changed me. He showed me a man of character and integrity. When I have kids I want them to know about this man. After the election I watched all the television shows and the pundits especially the ones the marched with Dr. King. Vernon Jordan, Andrew Young and many others. All of them said to the President elect run for President but not now. America is not ready for a black first family. I felt the same way to where I ardently supported Senator (soon to be Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton. I'm sure everyone told this man the same thing. But he had a dream that became a dream fulfilled for so many people. My kids are going to know that you can do what ever you want no matter who tells you can't. I will sing the praise of our President for the rest of my life, no matter what his presidency brings us.

This month I was sad. It's the holidays and unfortunately its a scathing reminder of all you've lost. This month is no longer about giving and the birth of Christ. It's about staying in the black, posting big sales and restoring consumer confidence. I learned first hand what people will do for a material object. I pray for the family that is mourning a loss New Year's Eve and the life gone too soon. December I realized I want to be alone and need to be alone but I hate feeling lonely.

This is a much shorter year in review than I wanted but that is okay. Next year I hope to continue to write and get my emotions out in a healthy way. Even though I shared a lot on this blog I'm glad I did it because writing kept me from doing something stupid. I'm going to be 30 next year and I'm going to celebrate. Not because it's 30 and its considered a milestone birthday. I'm going to celebrate for all the people who will never get to celebrate a 30th birthday. Hopefully some of the personal changes I want for myself will at least start to come true.

Well I better get dressed for the movie. Brad Pitt here I come.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

You made roti on your birthday.

You love to make your children feel guilty, your good at it.

We love you anyway, even though you allowed the demon children into our house.

Black Women Walking

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I got a bag of crap!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Words of Wisdom from Janey (My big fat Edit)

One of my favorite Okayplayers posted this and I needed to repost

Remember that the person we are most able and likely to hurt is the person who
is closest to us, and therefore that is the person we should take the MOST care
with. It always freaks me out when I see people who are more considerate of
virtual strangers than they are of their partners -- you know, people who would
never be late for a business meeting but who keep their spouse waiting all the
time. Knowing that it is almost inevitable that you'll hurt the person you love
the most should make us all more cautious and caring.

Remember to
express love & gratitude. That goes a long way at the inevitable fuck up.

This was my sentiment. I've always wondered this but I don't have the age, wisdom or eloquence of janey to express this. I always wonder this because it's Christmas and even though I know what will happen it still hurts when it does.

It's Christmas Eve and I know another little piece of me will crumble tomorrow. As always, I don't have much money but I make it a point to buy my brother a present every year. All I'm able to get is a $25 gift card but I know this is best because all the previous presents sit in the closet. I know that is what he prefers anyway. I went to the mall yesterday to buy his gift and I actually wrapped the gift card and placed it under the tree. My Mom went to Kohl's today and saw some slippers she thought he would like and today Tiffany and I wrapped it so tomorrow morning he will know his mother and sister thought of him. I'm sure he will also find a gift from Andrea and Tiffany.

Since my brother hasn't left his room since he returned from work I know we are not at the top of his list of people to buy for. The last time my brother thought to buy me anything for Christmas was the year my Dad died. Since I was in the hospital from December 24 - 28, who knows if that gift was waiting for me Christmas morning or not. Every year since then, my brother has said to me, "I will have to wait until after Christmas to buy a gift for the family" After Christmas comes and we are all still waiting for a gift.

You should never measure how much a person cares for you by the amount of the gift. Even though my brother was always an asshole to us before we could have counted on him for something. He used to be generous around Christmas. That is no more.

Like janey could never understand the person that is on time for their business meeting but keeps their spouse waiting I could never understand the unwavering devotion my brother has for his friends. He expects us (the family) to do everything for him with nothing in return.

Even though its been several years I will never forget when his friend moved into his own apartment. He spent the weekend helping him paint. I moved out of this house two weeks ago and even though I didn't ask for the help the offer never came.

Let's re visit Black Friday this same friend brought a television that could not fit into the car. We wanted to bring my mother's mini van but for some reason he didn't. I said to my brother, "Let me take you home so you can come back with the van". My brother said no he wasn't leaving his friend alone and felt it was easier for me to drive to my house drop off my car and then bring the van back. Despite the fact that I was tired, cold and hungry. I did get less sleep than he did. Someone had to save a space on the line.

I would be lying if I said my brother never did anything for me. He has occasionally pulled through in the past. If we are to list the things I brother has done for me versus the list of things that I needed him and he wasn't there the latter would be greater. Not only would the latter be greater but grief would be listed several times.


My brother did buy me a Christmas card and it was lovely and I was very greatful

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Still Exist ?

Why are people still talking to this fool?

Report: Joe the Plumber Says McCain 'Appalled' Him
Joe Wurzelbacher says he felt "dirty" after "seeing some of the things that take place" on the campaign trail.

'Joe the Plumber' told conservative radio host Glenn Beck on Tuesday that he felt "dirty" after hitting the campaign trail with Republican presidential nominee John McCain and "seeing some of the things that take place," Politico reported.
Joe Wurzelbacher said he was specifically put off by McCain when it came to talk of the $700 billion bailout.
"When I was on the bus with him, I asked him a lot of questions about the bailout because most Americans did not want that to happen," Wurzelbacher told Beck. "I asked him some pretty direct questions. Some of the answers you guys are gonna receive they appalled me, absolutely. I was angry. In fact, I wanted to get off the bus after I talked to him."
Wurzelbacher said he stayed on the trail with McCain "honestly, because the thought of Barack Obama as president scares me even more."
Wurzelbacher, however, offered kind words to McCain running mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
"Sarah Palin is absolutely the real deal," he said.

Sarah Palin is the real deal? I really don't have the words to respond to this.

Monday, December 08, 2008

The Definition of Insanity

I was once told that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I'm sure I have written about this before in blogger past and maybe when I have more time I will go back and look but in today's stupid news...

I looked at him today. His face only existed in my mind because I destroyed any hard evidence I had but I searched and I looked at him today. I saw that he is continuing to move on. And by the looks of it he hasn't found anyone yet. Then I ask why? Why is he looking for someone when he could have been with me? He said he wanted to be my friend but cut me out of his life so easily. And I tried not to let my family interfere but I had to keep it real. I put my entire self out there with him because it seemed like the right thing to do. No games I decided and I put myself out there because I wanted to believe that he was the one. He was so much like my Dad. I wanted to believe in the adage you will end up with a man like your father. My father was wonderful. He wasn't always the perfect husband but that is okay because I am not looking for the perfect man.

I will try to remain positive but for now I am just going to be sad.

Now playing: Al Green - How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Hey There Lonely Girl

Another Saturday night at home what to do. Can't talk too much politics not a whole lot going on that I can criticize. I need a hobby. Taking suggestions.

Mrs. O's Dress Part Duex

Diane VonFurstenberg

We all know what she is famous for, the wrap dress and she took it to another level with this one. I think this a great look for her. Well it would be a great states dinner dress but maybe not the inaugural ball.

Michael Kors

Because of Project Runway I love this man. I'm biased with this dress. It's stunning. It's royal. It's blue.

Oscar DeLaRenta

This a beautiful dress but I don't think the flowers are appropriate. This dress would be better if it were maybe two toned. All black on top and white towards the bottom

More later....

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Mrs. O

You know what one of my favorite things about Barack Obama is, Michelle. She is the symbol that Black women have needed for a long time. I will laude Michelle later I came here to discuss her fashion.

After that awful dress she was wearing the night President-elect Obama won she needs to step her game up. Several designers have submitted sketches for her attire for inauguration day and I just want to post my favorite.

Monique Lhuillier
I love her dresses. If I ever marry rich I would probably shop at her store and not have a problem dropping the 20 grand. There is something almost regal about this dress. It's different. Mrs. O needs to stand out

Carolina Herrera
Another classic designer. I love the color of this dress and the cut. Mrs. O is tall so she can pull a look like this off. I can see her wearing this with a white fur stole (faux fur we can't piss off PETA). The color would bounce off her complexion unlike any other first lady.

Badgley Mischka
These two can sew. One of the common factors in their designs are their appropriate use of beading. It's never gawdy or overdone. Love the dress not crazy about the color.

Christian Lacroix
Love it Love it Love it. I hate the fact that he drew her like a black Cruella Devile but the dress is a knockout.

Must leave work now. Will create a another post for the rest there are many more.

When you Really Have Nothing to Say

Last month I wrote a post on Why We Blog. Quick recap: Queen Latifah says any idiot that wants attention has a voice and a vehicle to do so. That brings me to this gentlemen, Mo Kelly.

I didn't read his blog (I was kind of disappointed to see a pundit with a radio show have a domain on blogspot but that is just my opinion). I will read his blog just when I have the time. From first glance it doesn't seem like he writes much there was just a bunch of reposted articles. I had to email him. If you go to his blog he said a few unfavorable things about my organization. I'm not going to post them but you can look if you so chose.

Dear Mr. Kelly,

While I respect your right to have an opinion and an avenue to express it, I must say I am disheartened by the articles you wrote about my organization.
This letter is not in pro Sheryl. This is about moving forward about supporting an organization that has committed itself to uplifting and helping the community and not continue to break it down.
I attended our Boule held this past summer in Las Vegas, NV as a voting delegate for my chapter. Even though I did not cast a vote for Soror Underwood when the election results were announced I respected the decision of the voting body. I understand that some of my sorors have issue with the results and I respect their decision to voice that opinion and act accordingly. Now that the courts have spoken it is necessary to move on and move forward.
You address Soror Underwood’s decision to post the findings of the lawsuit on the International website. As you are aware that court proceedings are public record and anyone who wanted this information would be able to obtain if they chose. Even though we are a sisterhood Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc is a business with corporate partnerships and affiliations. If you were a business person that wanted to work with an organization would you proceed knowing the organization had a pending lawsuit that was not resolved? You have unfairly judged Soror Underwood for posting sorority business. Have you visited the websites for other NPHC organizations? There are other groups that have lists of their members who were suspended. One website had the names of the members on probation suspended or expelled. There is even a section of ones that are banned from application. Natasha Starks is not the first person to be expelled from our organization or any organization and she will not be the last.
I do not know how extensive your knowledge is of Black Greek History but in January 1913 a group of women did not like the direction that the sorority was going. They met, changed the name, colors and motto for the organization. Senior members threatened this group of women with expulsion if they did not cease their activities. On January 13, 1913 those members were expelled from Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta was born.
Upheaval within an organization is not a new concept. It happens in mine and I’m sure it happens in other groups as well.
We need to move forward and remain positive in these rough times. Unless you have a crystal ball and no for a fact that Sheryl will fail then don’t judge her based on things she hasn’t done. If she fails at her job, at our next Boule I will vote accordingly.

What Would Jack Bauer Do?

Mr. O'Reilly recently gave a commentary called "Obama and your life" to make a long winded rant short, he said and used these words "Left wing loons are blocking torture and because of that your going to die"

Who are these left wing loons? I say What would Jack Bauer do to get information from a terrorist? That is how we need to handle the people who want to kill us.

I don't have an issue with torture. What I do have issue with and this is something the right will never understand is they cannot clearly define who a terrorist is. My cousin who looks more like the Indian side of my family gets mistaken for a terrorist all the time. Under Right Wing rule would I have to worry about walking down the street with my cousin and being swept up by the CIA for associating with a possible terrorist? That is the issue I have with torture the innocent people that get caught up in the madness and for some reason it happens too often under Republican watch. Yes once in a while Jack Bauer shots someone he shouldn't but he makes up for it at the end of the day.

I feel like the comedians these days. I remember a month ago Bill Maher and Jay Leno complaining that having a President that is brilliant makes it hard to make fun of him and the jokes will suffer.

I completely understand that now. I mean I'm going to foxnews for material is that not sad? What will I write about if I'm not outraged by something the President does? You can exalt someones praises so much. I do feel that when Obama finishes his cabinet selections and they pass through the Senate nominating committee that he should round them up and take a picture like this one. Rahm needs to be in it to.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy

First I would like to say this. I came home tonight to spend time with my family because it is my father's birthday and my Mom said she wanted me home. I came home to an empty house. I'm not saying my family should sit in a room all day and cry but damn stop acting like you need me so much. My brother doesn't think of these things. He generally doesn't think of anyone but himself but he has always been like that so the fact that he is not home does not surprise me. My Mom had her chapter meeting tonight which she said was going to be short. It was supposed to start at 7:00 and it's 8:59. I know better. I have my own chapter meeting tomorrow night and I know they are never short.

My Dad would have been 68 today if he were still alive. (I often wonder how long will I continue to do that. For example will I say in 40 years Dad would have been 108 today) My Auntie Len would have called today to wish him Happy Birthday and they would have talked and laughed and it would have filled the room. I will never forget the day I came home 5 years ago and my mom told me my Auntie Len was dead. I will never forget the fact that she called me a few weeks before and I said I would call her over the holidays. I would have loved to know what she wanted to say to me but I guess I never will.

My Auntie Len wanted me to move to Baton Rouge and live with her while I attended college. I wish I had the strength and the courage to make such a bold move. She would have treated my 19 year old irresponsible self as a child. I would have had a curfew but probably had the flyest gpa coming. She would have probably married me off by now and I would have popped out three or four kids like Franka did. She would have baby sat and would given my children all the love one can possibly give. She was that kind of lady. If I lived in the South my father would have probably came to stay with me for months at a time. He would have loved my kids too. He was that kind of guy.

Today I think of two people that I lost that were so dear to me. I know they will never know my children and my children won't know how wonderful they were.

Stephanie Mills Home
When I think of homeI think of a resting place
A place where theres peace, quiet, and serenity
And thats where some of my friends have gone
Friends who have traveled with me through my wonderful experience in Oz
A journey Ill never forget
When I think of home, I think of a place
Wheres theres love overflowing
I wish I was home, I wish I was back there
With the things Ive been knowing
Wind that makes the tall grass bend into leaning
Suddenly the raindrops that fall they have a meaning
Sprinklin the scene
Makes it all clean(When I think of home)
Maybe theres a chance for me to go back
Now that I have some direction(Maybe theres a chance Ill get home)
It sure would be nice to be back at home
Where theres love and affection
And just maybe I can convince time to slow up
Givin me enough time, ooh, in my life to grow up
Time be my friend
And let me start again
Suddenly my worlds gone and change its fate
And I still know where Im going
I have had my mind spun round in space
And watched it growing
And oh, if youre listening, God, please dont make it hard
To know if we should believe the things that we see
Tell us should we try and stay or should we run away (Should we run away)
Or will it be better just to let things, let them be, oh
Livin here in this brand new world
Might be a fantasy
But its taught me to love, oh, yeah
And its real, its so real, its real to me
And Ive learned that we must look
Inside our hearts to find
A world full of love
Like yours, like mine
Like home
Like, like home(When I think of home)
My friends smilin down on me
Givin me their energy, oh(When I think of home)I think of a peaceful world and joy
All around me, yeah(When I think of home)And love that we share can never
Never, ever be taken away from me, yeah, yeah, yeah(When I think of home)I just sit down and think
And gets on down in my bone, bone, yeah(When I think of home)I can hear my friends tellin me
Stephanie, please sing my song
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna tell you what its all about

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Do You Know What Today Is...

It's our Zetaversary!!!

I'm 2 and I can't believe it. A few weeks ago I was hanging out at the Sigma suite and I was actually the oldest in the room. I was hanging out with a bunch of neos (with sand behind the ears)

We've had good times and bad but I wouldn't replace any of you. Thanks for the memories.

March of Dimes - Spring 2007

NYS State Meeting - May 2007. Aleicia is missing

Spring 07 - Mu Delta Chapter's Probate

Me and My favorite Sigma

and the reason for it all

Monday, December 01, 2008


I feel that way for failing to acknowledge the fact that people were terrorized this past weekend and it was more serious than the laptop that was on sale.

Life in Pictures

This made me chuckle

Police: Man Shot Sister's Boyfriend With Arrow
Monday, December 01, 2008

WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio — Police say a southern Ohio man twice shot at his sister's boyfriend with a bow and arrow, missing the first time but grazing the man's head and wounding him on the second try.
Washington Court House police say James Wilson burst into the home of 47-year-old David Routte early Sunday morning and kicked in the door to the bedroom where Routte was sleeping.
Police say Wilson was upset with Routte for how he was treating Wilson's sister. A police report says Wilson's first shot lodged in a pillow.
Police spokesman Jeff Ruth says the second shot could easily have killed Routte, who later received stitches at Fayette County Memorial Hospital.
Police say Wilson is facing a felonious assault charge. Phone numbers for Wilson and Routte could not be found in online directories.

Edit: Imagine your sitting at home chilling and some enraged dude comes after you with a bow and arrow. Damn no video. I'm still laughing at this.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Life in Photos

Pictures say so much. When someones house burns down the real tragedy is not the loss of home but the memories that cannot be replaced that go with it. I need to take the time to record my father's memories. He loved the camera and there is a photograph from everything that I can remember. I was looking at the LIFE collection on Google images for a few photos and decided to post a few.

Robert F Kennedy

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Lena Horne

Mr and Mrs. John F Kennedy

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis

Dorothy Dandrigde

Dorothy Dandrigde

Dorothy Dandrigde

Dean Martin


Kennedy Clan

Coretta Scott King

Josephine Baker

Ava Gardner

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Natural Hair

I sing the praises of natural hair.
I am free because of it.
I am only saying that because it is winter and I don't have to worry about my hair. Summer is another animal.

My hair has set me free. No longer do I have to worry about not scratching my hair every 8 weeks. I wonder how much money I am saving not having to pay $65 dollars for a perm every 2 months. No longer do I have pick and choose how I color my hair for fear of over processing my hair and it falling out. My hair is back. When I was a kid I had the thickest head of hair. Now as we age your hair will thin out but not anymore. The following are lyrics to one of my favorite neo soul singers, Donnie. There was a line in a song that I used to feel funny singing. No more.

Donnie, Cloud 9
We live from the head down and not the feet up
And I'm adorned with the crown that's making this up
And I'm fine under cloud 9
Yes I wear the lamb's wool, the feet of burned brass
And the wool defies gravity like the nature of a gas
And I'm fine under cloud 9
Twist my cloud and it rain
And when it rains it pours
And the energy will absorb
Power for the metaphysical one
Happy to be nappy, I'm black and I'm proud
That I have been chosen to wear the conscious cloud
And I'm fine under cloud 9
I be a chameleon and wear it bone straight
But it's so much stronger when it's in its natural state
And I'm fine under cloud 9
Twist my cloud and let it rain
And when it rains it pours
And the energy will absorb
Power for the metaphysical one
We live from the head down and not the feet up
And I'm adorned with the crown that's making this up
And I'm fine under cloud 9
Twist my cloud and let it rain
And when it rains it pours
And the energy will absorb
Power for the metaphysical one
Watch it live...

To pass time at 4am

We were trying to remember the words to this skit last night. It is one of In Living Color's best.

New Look

I've noticed my posts were getting lengthy and the as nice as the old layout was it's kind of hard to read. So a change. I will probably change it again with the new year.

Bloggers Turrets Part Deux

Back in August, I wrote about having Bloggers Turrets but at that time I had an entirely different subject to write about. I'm glad those feelings have subsided a bit. Now I post two or three posts a day and then nothing for a week or two. I hate not having the time to write. I think its time to start a written diary to carry around with me. I get a thought at times and I hate not having a place or the time to record it. I've thought about some of my dreams that I feel are never going to come true and I could probably do the writing thing in some capacity. My dreams after all are not entirely unrealistic.

Never again

I did something absolutely foolish today. Not only was it foolish but very unlike me. I picked a fight with some rude ass yardies because they decided to cut the line I had been waiting on since 3am. After hearing about the people who will not see another holiday I ask forgiveness from the powers that be. We sometimes take risks in life that are reckless. You are given one life to live and as humans we should try to avoid situations that put ourselves in danger.

Now the method behind the madness...

That is the TV I could have lost my life for. Even though I got into with some people I am happy I have it.

At 10:00 pm Eric, Derreck, Sandrine and I came up with our game plan. We decided to drive past all the local stores to see what was going on.

(These are the times I wish I had my camera and or a better camera to take photos with. I can't think of a new piece of technology that can replace the depth of a photo)

Best Buy had a line around the building and several people in cars.

Walmart had only a few people but then people waiting in cars as well.

Target the same as Walmart

And no one at 6th Ave. Electronics

Derreck wanted to come back at 4am and I said I'm not taking that chance I will be here at 3am. I was going to stay up but around 1:30am Dariel convinced me to go to bed for a bit and he would wake me up. He did wake me up and I did go back to sleep. Thankfully Sandrine got me up and at 3am we were on our way.

We get to the place about 3:10am and there is a line of only about 30 people ahead of us. We call Eric several times to bring his ass and some chairs and blankets. We didn't want it to look like Eric and Derreck were cutting the line. Eric and Derreck show up about 3:45am we continue to wait.

You know what my Christmas wish is? (well one of them)
To be in a position financially in a place where I don't need to wait on a line at 3am for a deal. I wish to be in a place where I feel I don't need such things as the 32-inch LCD TV.

Wal-Mart worker dies in rush; two killed at toy store

(CNN) -- Three violent deaths in two stores marred the opening of the Christmas shopping season Friday.

A Wal-Mart employee at this Long Island location was killed in a rush early Friday morning.

In the first, a temporary Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death in a rush of thousands of early morning shoppers as he and other employees attempted to unlock the doors of a Long Island, New York, store at 5 a.m., police said.

In the second, unrelated incident, two men were shot dead in a Toys "R" Us in Palm Desert, California, after they argued in the store, police said.
The toy company and authorities said the California shootings had nothing to do with shopping on Black Friday, which is historically one of the year's busiest shopping days.
The Wal-Mart worker, whom authorities did not identify, was 34 and lived in Queens, said Nassau County police Detective Lt. Michael Fleming.
"This was utter chaos as these men tried to open the door this morning," Fleming said.
Video showed as many as a dozen people knocked to the floor in the stampede of people trying to get into the Wal-Mart store, Fleming said.

The employee was "stepped on by hundreds of people" as other workers attempted to fight their way through the crowd, Fleming said.
"Several minutes" passed before others were able to clear space around the man and attempt to render aid. Police arrived, and "as they were giving first aid, those police officers were also jostled and pushed," he said.
"Shoppers ... were on a full-out run into the store," he said.
The crowd had begun forming outside the store by 9 p.m. Thursday, Fleming said. By 5 a.m. Friday, when the doors were unlocked, there were 2,000 or so shoppers, many of whom "surged forward," breaking the doors, he said.
The man was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Others in the crowd sustained minor injuries such as sprained ankles, Fleming said.
A 28-year-old pregnant woman was taken to a hospital, but "the baby is going to be OK," Yes unborn child your mother felt it necessary to buy that blu ray DVD player on sale instead of worrying about your well being. Fleming said. She was to be released later in the day, he said.
The California shootings occurred about 11:30 a.m. (2:30 p.m. ET), authorities said.
By the time police arrived, two men were dead from gunshot wounds, Riverside County sheriff's Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez said. He said authorities are not seeking any other suspects.
Gutierrez said that the men did not appear to be store employees and that the dispute appeared unrelated to shopping.
"There was a confrontation inside of the store. But over a toy? I don't think that is accurate," he said.
Two handguns were found near the men's bodies, Gutierrez said.
In a written statement, Toys "R" Us spokeswoman Kathleen Waugh said the shooting appeared unrelated to the heavy shopping day.
"Our understanding is that this act seems to have been the result of a personal dispute between the individuals involved," she said.
She said company officials were "outraged" by the shooting and were working with authorities to find out what happened.
Gutierrez said no one else in the store was injured. Gutierrez said no one else in the store was injured. The store remained closed Friday afternoon but was expected to open as usual Saturday.

He said authorities would not release the men's names until their families have been notified.
Daniel Watson said he was at home with his children when his wife called from the Toys "R" Us store, where she and her mother were shopping.
"All I could hear was gunshots in the back," he said. "She said, 'They're in here shooting.' I told her to run and hide, stay down and hide."
He said his wife did just that, ducking under a clothes rack until the threat was over. Watson said neither woman was hurt.
Asked about the possibility of criminal charges in the Wal-Mart death, Fleming said he would not rule it out but noted that charges would be "very difficult," as it would be "almost impossible" to identify people in the crowd from the video, and those in the front of the crowd were pushed by those behind them.
Hundreds of people may have lined up in an orderly fashion but got caught up in the rush, he said.
Wal-Mart spokesman Kelly Cheeseman issued a statement saying, "We are saddened to report that a gentleman who was working for a temporary agency on our behalf died at the store and a few other customers were injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families at this difficult time."
The company is investigating the incident, the statement said.
Officers patrolling the shopping center overnight had had concerns about the size of the crowd, Fleming said, and had tried to get those in line better organized. Wal-Mart security officers were also present overnight, but he said he did not know how many.
"I don't know what it's worth to Wal-Mart or to any of these stores that run these sales events," Fleming said, "but it has become common knowledge that large crowds do gather on the Friday after Thanksgiving in response to these sales and in an effort to do their holiday shopping at the cheapest prices.

"I think it is incumbent upon the commercial establishments to recognize that this has the potential to occur at any store. Today, it happened to be Wal-Mart. It could have been any other store where hundreds and hundreds of people gather."
Asked whether the security had been adequate, Fleming said, "In light of the outcome, in hindsight, the answer is obviously no. ... This crowd was out of control."SOURCE

CNN's Rosalina Nieves contributed to this report.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And what makes life sad at times...

All of the careers I feel that I am the best suited for and I think I will be the happiest with I may never be.

High School Teacher
I know I know that is not an unrealistic dream but I don't think I have the patience for that anymore. Plus it would require me to quit my job to do student teaching which I can do but I'm not willing to do.

Would you give me money to represent you?

Only Ann Coulter can spew the same nonsense and hate and sell books. Me they would label too liberal and the public would welcome me about as much as Darwin's Theory of Evolution in the Palin house.

History Professor
I will not discount this career yet. It will depend on me and what kind of chances would I be willing to take

Why do we Blog?

I was flipping through the channels Wednesday night and Queen Latifah was on with Tavis Smiley. I assume he asked her about her secret to longevity in the entertainment business and she talked about not taking everyone with you. You can't rise to the top if you have 20 people hanging on your coat tails. Then she started talking about blogs. She said she hates them because everyone now has something to say. She says everyone so desperately wants to be heard. I can't help but agree.

My blog has done so many things for me. It helped me through a tough time or two recently. I used to be afraid to write if you can believe that. As you can probably tell my grammar and spelling isn't great and that kept me back for a long time (<----run on). I was embarrassed to share my thoughts because of all the grammar ish. I remember in high school Sean asked me to write music reviews for the website he created for our little clique. I never submitted a review after many threats from Sean. I never submitted them for several reasons that include but not limited to: embarrassed that my skills were sub par, always secretly lusting for Sean (I can admit this now that the teenage crush is over and it is 15 years later) and not valuing my opinion enough. The secretly (I shouldn't say secret everyone knew) lusting after Sean has a big part of why I never wrote for the upstarts website. You don't want the guy you like to think your stupid even though I know that works for some females it doesn't work for me. I was always afraid of being kicked out of that little clique. Who would have known that I would move away placing irreparable damage to the relationship with my brother and who knew I would eventually be replaced.

As therapeutic as my blog has been I must admit because I promised to be absolutely honest here (and I can be because no one really reads this except for my LS and Jody) I want to be heard. I have secret ambitions of political office (but then my campaign would be marred with scandal cause this blog will suddenly surface). I feel I am capable of performing the duties. We have many a Congressional leader that don't have the "experience" but still manage to get the job done to the best of their abilities (or don't get the job done either way most people don't care about such elections and the same fools continue to win). Some people are just in Congress because they live in a blue state, they are Democrat and we want to keep it blue and Democrat. That can totally be me.

If the whole political career doesn't work out I could certainly live out the rest of my days with an editorial column. I don't need the Times the Long Island Newsday would be sufficient for me. I would love to write how I feel for a living when it comes to issuses we face domestically and abroad. The Newsday would certainly suit me the best because I feel people pay too much attention to what is going on in the National stage. The local and state government affect "you" so much and no one really cares. As a member of the editorial staff I would first get more people to read the paper period and second encourage correspondence from my readers. That whole "community leader" role has worked wonders for someone special.

Is it wrong to think that one day George Stephonopolus will come across my blog one day and invite me on to This Week?

Or I will piss off Sean Hannity enough that he would invite me on his show so all of his neo con followers would send me hate mail and death threats?

A girl can only wish....

Monday, November 24, 2008

I Can't Breathe! LMAO

Speak of the Devil cont...

I was just telling Jody last week that I believe when you play recordings of Sean Hannity speaking backwards I'm sure you will hear the voice of the devil. We remember commenting on how insignificant Colmes was we couldn't remember his name. Now that I think of I'm pretty sure we were calling Holmes.

Fox News is getting itself in gear. They are preparing for war since losing this election and I'm sure they are recruiting soldiers as we speak. When you are preparing for battle propaganda is important. You need one voice to speak to the people that are going to listen. How effective would Hitler been if he had some leftist coming on after him saying, "Hey maybe the Jews aren't so bad"

I don’t exisit in Sean Hannity’s America. There is no place for me. How can there be when I don’t understand how it is okay not to regulate government but it is okay to regulate morality? I heard Mr. Hannity complaining about Congress forcing banks to lend money to people that can’t afford it. Yea he has a point. But at the same time is it right to speak of an American dream that does not and will never exist for many? I say be real

Sean Hannity will have his own radio show and his own television show. His followers will be able to hear him in the car on the way to work and home and then at evening before they go to bed. That is a lot of Hannity. He is going to have an uninterrupted pulpit to spew from and my fellow Americans this is dangerous. Hannity doesen’t has listeners he has followers, all people that live by the Gospel according to Sean

Speak of the Devil

Hannity and Colmes split up

Michael Calderone Michael Calderone – 2 hrs 4 mins ago

Fox News announced that after 12 years, Alan Colmes will be leaving the top-rated "Hannity & Colmes" at the end of the year.

“I approached Bill Shine (FNC’s Senior Vice President of Programming) earlier this year about wanting to move on after 12 years to develop new and challenging ways to contribute to the growth of the network," Colmes said in a statement. "Although it’s bittersweet to leave one of the longest marriages on cable news, I’m proud that both Sean (Hannity) and I remained unharmed after sitting side by side, night after night for so many years.”

Sean Hannity said Colmes was "a remarkable co-host," "great friend," and "skillful debate partner.”

Colmes will remain a Fox commentator, and continue hosting "The Alan Colmes Show" on Fox News Radio. Also, he's developing a weekend show.

So will it just be the "The Sean Hannity Show" (as on the radio) or take the name of the weekly Fox show, "Hannity's America?" In the release, published after the jump, there's no mention of Hannity seeking a new liberal co-host, so I assume he's on his own, but can't say for sure. I've put the question to Fox and will update when available.

UPDATE: A Fox spokesperson said it has not yet been determined, but the NY Times hears that Hannity may go it alone. Also, Hannity talks up Colmes on his radio show.


FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Alan Colmes will relinquish his role as co-host of Hannity & Colmes at the end of the year.

In announcing his decision, Colmes said, “I approached Bill Shine (FNC’s Senior Vice President of Programming) earlier this year about wanting to move on after 12 years to develop new and challenging ways to contribute to the growth of the network. Although it’s bittersweet to leave one of the longest marriages on cable news, I’m proud that both Sean (Hannity) and I remained unharmed after sitting side by side, night after night for so many years.”

Colmes will continue to have a presence on FNC as he will serve as a liberal commentator on a variety of FOX News programming, including’s The Strategy Room and continue hosting his radio program, The Alan Colmes Show on FOX Talk, a division of FOX News Radio. He will also begin developing a weekend program.

Shine said, “We’re very sorry to see Alan reach this decision but we understand his desire to seek other creative challenges in his career. We value his incredible hard work in making Hannity & Colmes the most successful debate program on cable news and we’re going to miss him on the show. Thankfully, he will begin developing a weekend pilot for us.”

FOX News Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Roger Ailes added, “Alan is one of the key reasons why FOX News has been such a remarkable success. We’re sad to see him leave the program but we look forward to his ongoing contributions to the network.”

Hannity & Colmes is the only FNC program which has remained in the same timeslot for 12 years, catapulting to number one in 2003 and never relinquishing the top spot. The second highest-rated program in cable news behind only The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes averaged 3.3 million viewers nightly for the Nielsen month of October and is poised to mark 60 consecutive months at number one at the end of November.

Hannity added, “Not only has Alan been a remarkable co-host, he’s been a great friend which is rare in this industry — I’ll genuinely miss sparring with such a skillful debate partner.”

Throughout his 12 year tenure on Hannity & Colmes, Colmes has interviewed numerous key political figures, including: President Elect Barack Obama, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), DNC Chairman Howard Dean and former Vice President Al Gore.

FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour general news service covering breaking news as well as political, entertainment and business news. For nearly seven years, FNC has been the most watched cable news channel in the nation. Owned by News Corp., FNC is available in more than 90 million homes. SOURCE

For Courtney


Courtney's twisted behind knows why I'm posting this story. To all the people that read this and have this disease I encourage you to get help and not resort to such drastic measures.

I post this for Courtney

Out of the Shadows
After meeting for years on anonymous and secret Web sites, pro-anorexia groups are now moving to more public forums like Facebook.
By Tina Peng Newsweek Web Exclusive
Nov 23, 2008 Updated: 9:53 a.m. ET Nov 23, 2008

A Web page labeled "Ana Boot Camp" recently offered its members a seemingly irresistible proposition: a 30-day regimen designed to help them drop some serious pounds, no exercise needed. The catch was that the group's members were to vary their daily caloric intake from 500 (less than half the daily minimum requirement for women recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine) to zero. They were supposed to track their progress, fast to make up for the days they accidentally "overate" and support each other as they worked toward their common goal of radical weight loss.

Pro-anorexia, or "pro-ana," Web sites (with more than one using the "Ana Boot Camp" name) have for years been a controversial Internet fixture, with users sharing extreme diet tips and posting pictures of emaciated girls under headlines such as "thinspiration." But what was unusual about the site mentioned above (which is no longer available) was where it was hosted: the ubiquitous social networking site The (largely female) users who frequent pro-ana sites have typically done so anonymously, posting under pseudonyms and using pictures of fashion models to represent themselves. Now, as the groups increasingly launch pages on Facebook, linking users' real-life profiles to their eating disorders, the heated conversation around anorexia has become more public. Many pro-ana Facebookers say the groups provide an invaluable support system to help them cope with their disease, but psychologists worry that the growth of such groups could encourage eating disorders in others.

Rose, 17, a Maryland high-school senior who, like several other women interviewed for this story, asked to be identified only by her first name, was active in pro-ana Facebook groups for two years. There, she found a community of people like her—people who had a disease with which few of their friends could identify. "These sites provided a setting where I could talk about the illness without people trying to fix me or tell me that what I'm doing is horrible, disgusting, maladaptive," she says. "For me, part of the illness was just about getting attention. You feel so lonely and you want someone to notice you, and I guess that's kind of the way to do it, even with other sick people."

Many members of the Facebook groups have migrated over from other social networking sites, like MySpace and Xanga. "Facebook's the most personable," Rose says. "If you're on something like MySpace, that's famous for creepy old men. Facebook seems the safest." Kate, a 20-year-old Utah college student, says being able to see people's faces, friends and interests on their Facebook sites makes for a more intimate community. "It's a lot more of a support group for pro-ana," she says. "MySpace was more focused on tips and tricks and when to exercise. [On Facebook], there's a lot of really close networking, so you add those people as friends and exchange phone numbers, and when you're having a hard day, you talk on the phone."
Dr. Steven Crawford, associate director of the Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt in Baltimore, sees the openness of the Facebook site as part of its appeal. Increasing numbers of teenage patients at the center are joining Facebook groups that proclaim their disorders to the world, which Crawford believes is a means of adolescent rebellion: "It's almost like putting it in your face: I have an eating disorder. I am anorexic."

Pro-ana group creators insist that they aren't recruiting anorexics and are just supporting each other. In fact, there are some groups that are legitimately focused on recovery. Still, the effects of even such makeshift support groups are likely not as benign as some fans claim. "The more types of these sites that you use, the higher your risk for disordered eating is," says Stanford professor Rebecka Peebles, M.D., acknowledging that that correlation doesn't prove that the sites necessarily contribute to the disorder. A 2006 study that she coauthored found that 96 percent of teens diagnosed with eating disorders who visited pro-eating disorder Web sites learned new dieting and purging techniques, and almost 50 percent of teens who visited sites ostensibly devoted to eating disorder recovery also learned new weight-loss tips. SOURCE

What would George Carlin Say

On June 22nd of this year we lost a voice of reason. Mr. Carlin was a comedian, an actor, author. He was supposed to make us laugh and he did for many years. But, can you hear Carlin? If you hear Carlin you know there is a message behind the madness a truth. We were entertained but I feel the ones that could hear Carlin were enlightened.

What would Mr. Carlin say about the current state of our country now? I can't say he is in heaven discussing it with my dad or talking shit with Tantie Len. We all know he didn't believe in all of that (even though I do Mr. Carlin and I agree to disagree).

Can you imagine if you can Carlin's take on Palin?!?!

A Few Tidbits from Mr. Carlin

"In America, anyone can become president. That’s the problem."

"Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It’s because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time."

"Once you leave the womb, conservatives don't care about you until you reach military age. Then you’re just what they’re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."

"You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans."

"The owners of this country know the truth: It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."

"This country was founded by a group of slave owners who wanted to be. Am I right? A group of slave owners who wanted to be free! So they killed a lot of white English people in order to continue owning their black African people, so they could wipe out the rest of the red Indian people, in order to move west and steal the rest of the land from the brown Mexican people, giving them a place to take off and drop their nuclear weapons on the yellow Japanese people. You know what the motto for this country ought to be? 'You give us a color, we'll wipe it out.'"

What would you say...

After you lose someone special to you your life is split in half. Now memories of mine are when my father was alive and when he died. When I walked into the election booth on November 4th, I shed a tear. Not for the momentous event but because my Dad was not here to participate.

My father was not the most educated man but extremely intelligent. I remember when he was alive he spent hours watching the news and it would not be just one form of it. He often watched CNN and fox news. He wanted the news from all points of view. Everyday at 7:00 he would watch BBC news which we all know is the place you go if you want any truth in the news you are reporting. I remember back to earlier this year during the NYS primary. My mother and I had a long discussion with my Uncle Richard and Tantie Kathleen and we all agreed Hillary Clinton would be our candidate for president. I remember going to the polls that day, walking into the booth and freezing. I went in with every intention to vote for Hillary but I couldn't move. The minute I decided to vote for Obama I could feel the paralysis leave my body and I voted for him. I went home after leaving the polling station and said to my mom, "I know we were going to vote for Hillary but I couldn't do it. I voted for Obama." My mom laughed and said, "Me too." I know exactly how that convo would go with my dad and the smile he would give me when I told him what happened in the polling booth. He probably would have gone in to vote for Hillary but left voting for Obama.

In the days after our historic election of the first black president I watched all of the pundits and news shows. I watched several black leaders (Andrew Young, Vernon Jordan and Cynthia McKinney) on these shows and I was slightly comforted by the fact that we shared the same opinion. We all didn't support Obama at first because we didn't believe. We didn't believe it was possible. Up until election day I didn't believe this would happen. Andrew Young was asked would Martin Luther King Jr. believe there would a black president in his lifetime? Mr. Young responded, "Martin wouldn't have believed that I would be in Congress." This election has done so much for so many people and President elect Obama will continue to do for people.

I remember my dad telling me he when he first came to this country no one would rent to him in the part of New Jersey he worked in so he had to commute almost two hours from my Uncle Steve's in South Orange. That was the early 70s and now we have a black family moving into the house that we had to build as slaves.

I wonder Dad what would you say about this historic time in our life. He was able to say so much with so little words. I clearly take after my mother when it comes to expressing an opinion.

AYDMF (C) Teefiveten

Rapper confesses to shooting in song

Associated Press
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dublin —- He shot a man twice and felt so good about it, police say, a Georgia rapper wrote a song describing the shooting and calling out the victim by name.
A judge sentenced 25-year-old Rico Todriquez Wright of Dublin on Monday to spend the next 20 years in prison after his victim mentioned the hip-hop confession to police.
Chad Blue, 28, told police he had known Wright before the September 2006 shooting but they weren’t friendly. He testified companions egged Wright on as he chased and shot his victim in the thigh and groin. Later, Blue told police he recognized Wright’s voice on a CD, rapping “Chad Blue knows how I shoot.”
Wright was sentenced to 20 years for two counts of aggravated assault. He will spend another 20 years on probation SOURCE

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Grimey Witches or is it the Dude?

My LS just posted an entry about Grimey Bitches and I must agree with most of what she says. My experiences in the past week have introduced me to the Grimey Dude or is he? of

Now as a 29 year old single female I've learned a thing or two about guys. I met one recently who I believed to be kind of feeling me. Now this guy is not my type or am I interested in him at all but I will admit, I like the attention. He was kind of flirty for a little while so I (like a fool) to Koka, "Yo I think such and such is feeling me". She thinks this is the funniest shit and decides to tease me about it. Fast forward a few hours after getting Sanaa in on the joke decides to pull my card in front of our neo who tell us that such and such is engaged.

Now I'm thinking "damn I'm slipping". Is it that bad that I am creating flirtation in my head? Did I mistake this dude just being friendly for affection. That is bad.

The next night I ask Koka and Sanaa again, I'm like "he was flirting with me right? I didn't make that shit up right?" The two of them confirmed what I was feeling and said he was definitely flirting with you.

What's the deal?!?

Do I think he is a dog no but I do wonder why would you do that? I've never met this fiance but she is close by. We could cross paths easily.

Now I'm not going to go there. I want to uplift other females not be the home wrecker before there is an actual home but damn dude what is the deal?

What is the deal with the dudes that step out with these grimey bitches? Why are we so easy on the dude and not the female. The female in my LS's case is different. This females knows you are in a relationship and goes after your dude anyway. But what about the dude that doesn't need much convincing to be led astray? I think we need to do something about that.

He's Baaccckkkk!!!!

Jack Mutherfuckin Bauer!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Teen Girl Hospitalized After Surviving Cougar Attack

I have to admit. I only click on these links in the hope that there will be pictures or video. Each time when there is none I am disappointed.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

MIAMI — A 16-year-old girl was mauled by a cougar — but survived — when a neighbor saved her from the animal's cage at a northwest Miami home.

A Miami-Dade Fire Rescue spokesman says the girl sustained some significant wounds Saturday and she was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Miami-Dade police say 21-year-old Anthony Zitnick, a friend of the girl, illegally entered the wildlife collector's home with the girl and was later arrested. Inside, the 150-pound male cougar, named Chaos, pounced on the girl and clenched his jaws around her head.

Authorities say neighbor Richard Miralles heard screams and wrestled the animal away. Wildlife officials say the owner of the home has legal permits to keep two cougars and several snakes, tortoises and alligators.


Unhappy People Watch Lots More TV

Jeanna BrynerSenior Writer jeanna Bryner
senior – Sat Nov 15, 1:34 pm ET

Unhappy people glue themselves to the television 30 percent more than happy people.The finding, announced on Thursday, comes from a survey of nearly 30,000 American adults conducted between 1975 and 2006 as part of the General Social Survey.

While happy people reported watching an average of 19 hours of television per week, unhappy people reported 25 hours a week. The results held even after taking into account education, income, age and marital status.In addition, happy individuals were more socially active, attended more religious services, voted more and read a newspaper more often than their less-chipper counterparts. The researchers are not sure, though, whether unhappiness leads to more television-watching or more viewing leads to unhappiness. In fact, people say they like watching television: Past research has shown that when people watch television they enjoy it. In these studies, participants reported that on a scale from 0 (dislike) to 10 (greatly enjoy), TV-watching was nearly an 8. But perhaps the high from watching television doesn't last. "These conflicting data suggest that TV may provide viewers with short-run pleasure, but at the expense of long-term malaise," said researcher John Robinson, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, College Park. In this scenario, even the happiest campers could turn into Debbie-downers if they continue to stare at the boob-tube. The researchers suggest that over time, television-viewing could push out other activities that do have more lasting benefits.

Exercise and sex come to mind, as do parties and other forms of socialization known to have psychological benefits. Or, maybe television is simply a refuge for people who are already unhappy. "TV is not judgmental nor difficult, so people with few social skills or resources for other activities can engage in it," Robinson and UM colleague Steven Martin write in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research. They add, "Furthermore, chronic unhappiness can be socially and personally debilitating and can interfere with work and most social and personal activities, but even the unhappiest people can click a remote and be passively entertained by a TV."The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.

I guess it's time to start exercising. I don't have a clue when I will start to do that this week with all I have going on.