Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Let's go back to 1997 when I first moved out of my house for college. In high school I never drank alcohol with my friends. Okay that one time but it was prom and they were wine coolers. Now I am not tooting my own horn saying I was better than most kids my age. I was pretty good but I am not saying I was perfect. Growing up alcohol was not taboo in my house. We were taught from a young age that alcohol is a social activity for adults. If we wanted a glass of wine or champagne we were given it. I think young people drink because there parents hide liquor from them and they want to do the forbidden. Now don't get it twisted I'm not advocating underage drinking. Some parents know their kids and know they have addictive personalities and that is why they don't give them alcohol. I am going off on a tangent now back to 1997. I was on my own for the first time in my life and like most 18 year olds I went to bars to have my drink of choice the Amaretto Sour

Now Amaretto Sour was my drink of choice. When I wanted to mix things up a bit I drank Vodka and Cranberry, Sex on the Beach or Rum and Coke. I don't want to know how many of those things I imbibed that year. I think the summer I turned 19 I graduated to malt liquor. I'm still apologizing to my liver for the amount of Ole 'E' I drank that summer. At 20 I had a very short affair with Long Island Ice Teas and at 21 I became a beer drinker. Beer was cheap and very easy to buy. My current love is Johnny Walker Black Label Scotch. I actually remember when that began. It was New Year's Eve going into the 1999 and of course I had a cold. My damned tonsils acting up at the worst time. Lucky for me majority of my friends and myself were all under 21 and limited options on what we could do so we all partied at my house. That New Year's Eve was fun for so many different reasons but that story deserves its own post. Anyhoo, my throat was hurting me and I had no voice and none of the medicines I was taking were helping. So of course I go to the next best thing what was available and what is good. Scotch. Dana suggested adding lemon and honey to the drink and you know what it worked. My voice was fine after that and when it went away again I just drank more scotch.

I drafted this post a long time ago and believe me there was a relevant story but it has passed so I post it anyway.

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