Thursday, August 28, 2008

We Fall Down but We Get Up Revisted

I maybe brief because the man of the hour, day, month, year, decade, century is about to take the stage.

I had to speak on Hillary Rodham Clinton. Please leave this woman alone. I am not even speaking to the press on this one. On facebook and okayplayer I've seen men write some very disparaging remarks about her that she is pushing her own agenda and how her speech at the convention was just a platform for Hillary 2012. So what if it was?

I don't know too many people like her. This woman has faced political, personal and professionally problems and keeps going. My only hope for her is the constant fighting doesn't make her bitter. I would hate to see her in 20 years sounding like Geraldine Ferraro.

She came to the stage and humbly supported Senator Obama. She cast the final unanimous vote securing history.

If it were Hillary about to walk on that stage tonight I wouldn't be upset. We could do worse.

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