Molly Ringwald
Teen cheesy 80's movie drama queen. I remember a scene from the movie For Keeps. I believe at the end of the movie she runs to her boyfriend with baby in hand and even though they are broken up and she tells him to go back to college he comes back to her.
Most 80's movies ended that way. With some sort of dramatic end.
What I did last week may qualify as an end to an 80's movie. I put the final nail in the coffin when I decided to rid myself of all physical evidence of my past relationship. I kept looking at the card he brought me for my birthday. It wasn't a grand declaration of love nor was it a .99 happy birthday card either. It was just right and it looked like he spent some time picking it out. I couldn't look at it anymore and not wonder what happened. What did I do to make everything change or was it me at all.
I decided to throw the card away because I couldn't look at it anymore and continue to analyze it. It was the best thing to do.
What I couldn't throw away the picture but I couldn't look at it either. I had made him two cds before we broke up. One of them was fast music for his car. The other CD was slow music for the both of us to listen to. I didn't send him the slow one but I still wanted him to have the CD with the fast songs. It was a CD of lesser known R&B singers that I thought he would like. So last week I mailed him the CD and the picture we took the night we went out for my birthday. I was going to write him a goodbye letter but decided a quick note on a post will do. So I mailed it. And I never expected a response. But today he responded via text.
He said hi and thanks for the CD. He also reminded me that he was going to Florida this Friday. I miss him terribly and didn't need to see that text message. He said thanks for the CD but nothing about the picture. I wonder if he kept it.
Racquel said to me yesterday if I thought we would ever get back together. I've thought about it but I know that wouldn't be a good thing. How can I be with a man that only wants to be apart of my life that is good. How can you be with someone that doesn't want to share the good times either? Besides if he really wanted me back he would have never started his match.com profile again. He has moved on and so do I.
But I still miss him. I guess that is to be expected now.
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