An emotionally disturbed Brooklyn woman was charged Tuesday with torturing her boyfriend to death by nailing him to a chair and then cutting his throat, police said. Raquel Glenn, 53, duct-taped a plastic bag over Chiwa Chan’s head and used a nail gun to fasten him to a chair in their Bensonhurst home… Source
Emotionally Disturbed? Is that really fair? I don't think so. I often wonder about the why woman do certain things. People are often quick to call women crazy but are they really. One of my cardinal rules is "You always play a role in the shit that you find yourself in." I really believe that. I refuse to believe anyone is without blame. I don't say emotionally disturbed I would love to know what he did to push her to that point.
I think my next blog is going to be about "bitter bitch" songs. The songs that women right to make them feel good about themselves when a man has wronged them. I never advocate violence but those seem to be the better ones.
**Note I did a Google search for offbeat news to get my mind off of things and look at the irony that I find this. Getting over things is hard when they follow you and trust me it has been following. I just haven't mentioned it in this blog.**
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