I went to this website at first for excerpts from the Sarah Palin interview. I was in shock and awe when I saw it this morning on the news and I wanted to write about it. I couldn't get past the fact that a person was going through this much trouble and had this much bitterness but then I remembered Michael Moore. This is the conservative response to Fahrenheit 911.
On to Sarah Palin. What I don't understand about her is the fact that the more she tries to explain herself the bigger ditch she creates. She has yet to redeem herself from anything she said. She looks great though.
Governor Palin says:
Why do people receive their news source from these anonymous bloggers?
My response:
Governor Palin rumours have been around since the sandbox. Your a public figure when you choose a public life you have to leave yourself open to public scrutiny. If we shouldn't be listening to anonymous bloggers I want to know where did she get the info that President elect Obama was palling around with terrorists and he is not an American and he is a Muslim. I've never seen that info other than people's opinions. What she doesn't mention is the fact that it was not bloggers but our President elect who told the media to back off of Bristol Palin
Governor Palin says: womp womp womp womp
I'm two minutes into the interview and I'm already tired of the bitching and the complaining so you all should know how I feel about Governor Palin.
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