Marksandlin posted speech this of Dr. King's on twitter today and his words can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Dr. King knew what he was put on this earth to do and knew the amount of time he had was short. In that time he defined greatness, he defined what he wanted his life to mean and how he wanted it described when he was gone. Dr. King was a Drum Major for righteousness, a Drum Major for peace and a Drum Major for integrity.
I try to listen to everyone's opinion regarding the future of this country and I can understand why there are black conservatives that are skeptical. I think that skepticism goes beyond political belief but goes to the state of Black America in recent generations. The Black America of the 50's and 60's is dying out slowly. I am a member of an organization that has been around for the last 89 years. We have survived the Great Depression, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, multiple assassinations of our leaders and participated in the Civil Rights movement (after all of this 8 years of Bush should be a breeze). My sorors from this time and others had nothing so worked for everything. I hate to say it but my generation had everything given to them. I am even skeptical will Black America rise to the challenge? Will they answer our President's call to service? Will they stand with him or try to ride his coat tails and expect him to carry them?
Dr. King said greatness was to serve others. I don't believe my place is on the national stage. I know I can serve in my community and who knows there maybe something I can do to help prepare the next person to lead. Our President is one man and he cannot do it alone. I hope for the next eight years we answer his call. I hope this renewed sense of self esteem is not fleeting and we continue for the fight is far from over. There are still people in this world that hate us that question or place in the world and feel we do not have the same human rights as them. *cough,cough*
My wish for the next very difficult four years is a true sense of change and that change must come from us and not President Elect Obama. He has answered his call now it is time for us to answer ours.
Help realize the dream

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