I pose the question to anyone that cares to answer. Who is would be a better president?
This man...

or this man...

The former John McCain would have been a great president. He was robbed eight years ago and I feel in his hands our country would have been in better shape. The problem was eight years ago he was the maverick he was the one to change Washington but the powers that be wanted it to stay the same. They found a puppet in George W. Bush and pushed him into the presidency instead. There is a good side and a bad side to all of this. The next white person that tells me people don't think the say they did in 1955 I will just refer them to youtube.
But I digress...
There is one thing Senator McCain said that has been sticking with me all day.
Speaking on Fox News Sunday, McCain said he respects and admires Powell, and the announcement "doesn't come as a surprise."
It's not a surprise? Why don't you say what you really feel McCain. All the darkies are going to stick together on this one. Do you really think that low of us Senator McCain. Do you really believe that we are going to vote for Senator Obama just because he is black. This fool could be running for president and I wouldn't vote for him. Among others that are not qualified for the job.
The question I want to ask to the racist folk that are afraid that a black president will mean we will lose the country is "What are you really afraid of?" A hundred years ago they were afraid to free the slaves for fear we wouldn't know what to do or know how to adapt to a free culture because we were meant to be slaves. They set us free and most of us (despite what BET tells you) are doing fine. I think the real fear of a black president is little black boys and girls growing up and not believing the only way to be successful in this life is to be an athlete or an entertainer.
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