Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Townhall Meeting

My writing is beginning to slow down. I've actually had school work to do and just couldn't get to it. We shall see how the events of tonight will hold. Obviously McCain is going to try to come strong.

Did I mention I have two papers to write by next week? At least I am starting the week before versus the day before or day off.

Ok Obama to start. I don't believe the economic turmoil is completely the fault of the Bush Administration. Part of it is lending money that people could not afford. And tricking people into adjustable mortgage rates.

I love Obama but his answer just sounded like rhetoric.

McCain is speaking the typical Republican mantra. Little government and energy plans. I don't believe for a minute the energy plan would benefit the middle class. It would only benefit the people that are in his inner circle.

McCain speaks of a person that you can identify with. You want to lead me but you don't identify with me and never have. You voted against the passing of a holiday for one of MY greatest leaders.

Hmmm. McCain is started with the grease early. I am not saying Freddie and Fannie are not to blame but these companies exploited poor people. They promised uneducated people the "American Dream" and banked on the fact that they wouldn't be able to pay. They wanted these people to go into foreclosure and thought they would come out like fat cats with the selling of foreclosed properties. But the joke was on them. The number of poor people grew at an exponential rate and karma happened. God don't like ugly.

Obama just said coordinate with other countries. The McCain camp is going to use that statement to say that Obama is "pallin" with other countries.

Ok I went downstairs for a minute. I am moving in less than a month. McCain is still the same. Spewing the hate. Why focus so much on what the other did. What are you going to do?

I kind of feel like McCain is walking around just to prove how healthy he is?

Will Tom Brokaw shut the fuck up? If they have an issue with time say something.

5,000!#^ Now you know McCain doesn't have a clue. That amount of money will help if you only have one thing wrong with you.

Barack knows what he is talking about when he is talking about health insurance and care.

I am not even going to comment on the McCain health plan. He just makes me want to hold on to my state job.

President Reagan is your hero?

I thought Reagan was your hero, now its Teddy Roosevelt. Wrong quote to fuck up.

McCain just accused Obama of speaking loudly. Now you declare war on Iran for attacking Israel.

Please McCain and don't try to get the American to commiserate with you.

Who told the negro to bring a camera? No one wants McCain's picture.

I love Barack Obama.

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