I digress...

As much TLC and Discovery Health I watch I've seen documentaries on hermaphrodites. I was going to link you to the Wikipedia page on the subject but much to my surprise now in humans its called intersexuality. I wanted to write about this but as I get into the subject I don't know what to say. I don't know how she feels. I was born a woman. No confusion. I developed as a woman some say rather quickly (I was the only B cup in 6th grade). Not only am I a woman I never wanted to be a guy. I never had the confusion of feeling like a man trapped in a woman's body. I'm getting off the subject a bit but I just wonder how did she/he not know. I wonder if she/he ever attempted a relationship with a man/woman.
I guess my point is gender is socialized. Sexuality is socialized. Our gender roles are pre determined by society. It's a shame. She/he looks like a nice person. In America we force the parents to chose which sex they want to raise their child. Her/his parents didn't know they had that option. I wonder which one would they chose. Sexuality is very much socialized. Since Caster now fits into both categories who does he/she marry. If she picks a girl does that make her a lesbian? Not really. But since she has internal testes if she picks a man does that make her gay? Not really since she was raised to be a girl.
I guess all I'm trying to say is I feel bad for her/him. She has this great talent but no place to show or compete for it.
Listening to: Bee Gees - More Than a Woman
via FoxyTunes
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