I have alot to day these days but so little time to write about it. I do miss the days of wireless internet access when the feeling to write took me all I had to do was pick up my laptop. I don't have the same desire to sit at my desk and type. I don't get inspired here. I would love a new desk, a new chair and even a bigger apartment to convey my thoughts. One thing at a time I guess. It took a long time for me to get my own space and I got it so I guess it will take me a while to get a bigger space. Even if I get that better job in Journalism then I would pay off some bills before moving on. If plans happen as they should (we make plans and God laughs)
I digress...
I saw this picture today and it instantly made me sad. I see a girl who grew up a little different. Different when you get older can make you quirky but not her kind of different. Growing up in South Africa I'm sure her parents did not have the access to the medical attention we have in the United States. They had a child saw she had a vagina and said "It's a Girl!" They raised her as a girl despite the mixed gender characteristics she possessed. She had a talent for running, so like any good parent they encouraged her to run. Not only to run but to be the best. She was the best and won the medals to prove it. Now it will be taken away from her. (I wonder how they couldn't see dude looks like a lady)
As much TLC and Discovery Health I watch I've seen documentaries on hermaphrodites. I was going to link you to the Wikipedia page on the subject but much to my surprise now in humans its called intersexuality. I wanted to write about this but as I get into the subject I don't know what to say. I don't know how she feels. I was born a woman. No confusion. I developed as a woman some say rather quickly (I was the only B cup in 6th grade). Not only am I a woman I never wanted to be a guy. I never had the confusion of feeling like a man trapped in a woman's body. I'm getting off the subject a bit but I just wonder how did she/he not know. I wonder if she/he ever attempted a relationship with a man/woman.
I guess my point is gender is socialized. Sexuality is socialized. Our gender roles are pre determined by society. It's a shame. She/he looks like a nice person. In America we force the parents to chose which sex they want to raise their child. Her/his parents didn't know they had that option. I wonder which one would they chose. Sexuality is very much socialized. Since Caster now fits into both categories who does he/she marry. If she picks a girl does that make her a lesbian? Not really. But since she has internal testes if she picks a man does that make her gay? Not really since she was raised to be a girl.
I guess all I'm trying to say is I feel bad for her/him. She has this great talent but no place to show or compete for it.
Listening to: Bee Gees - More Than a Woman
via FoxyTunes
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