Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You in da hood now baby (C) Wendy Williams

Yeah yeah I know I'm late. This whole Star Jones thing is pretty much old news by now but I'm just getting to it now so sue me.

I've been saying this for a while and I knew all of the events from the last few weeks were inevitable. Star I hate to tell you this but you made a common mistake that most black celebrities make. You forgot you were black. Have we learned nothing from Chris Rock? Was he really being funny when he said "When your white the skies the limit and when your black the limit is the sky." No Star you can't do what most white celebrities and endorse products to get freebies for your wedding. No Star you can't use the system like most people do. You would think she would have learned in so many years as a black professional that the rules are different for black people. I think deep down she just forgot and you know what she is human. Well she remembers now. Mrs. Jones Reynolds karma is a bitch. I never met you personally but since you have been on The View I have yet to hear anything good about you. I've only heard how you discard and ignore people you consider to be beneath you. Karma is a bitch. I hope she gets back on TV and I hope its doing something she is good at like I don't know the law.

Don’t take my sarcasm seriously. I wish the best for Miss Starlet. Everyday I feel I see an important woman for example Hillary Rodham Clinton or Oprah sit on the receiving end of a whole lot of bullshit. I wonder what kind of chance an average woman like me has in a male dominated world. Look how the extraordinary ones get treated. When things like this happen to famous woman I wonder if a man would have received the same treatment. Ken Starr was convicted of stealing millions of dollars from everyday people but still had the money to rent a vacation home in Aspen. People yell at Star for wedding freebies but Ken Starr gets a pass. This is the world we live in and I’ve accepted that. By accepting that, it does not mean I am not going to try to succeed and be as fabulous as the women I previously mentioned I’m just going to try to remember the rules.

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