Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life as I know it

I have the fortunate knowlegde and experience of life before the internet and life after.

I just looked at my review sheet for my midterm tomorrow and I know I was in a complete fog the first two weeks of school. Thats ok I googled the answer

Google, easy bib, ejournals. How the hell do you young people learn

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Fear

I secretly walk around with a fear for the black men in my life. It's fear of law enforcement.

Accidental shooting

Justifiable homocide

Excessive force

My life felt threatened

Phrases often heard in the black community when describing issues with law enforcement.

Thats all I have to say about that

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Writers Burnout

My last post so long ago was about writers block. I don't have writers block I have writers burnout.

Big difference. I've been reading again and that makes me happy. So what if I re read the Potter series. It ended this summer, I needed the recap in order to accurately rip apart the final film.

I think despite all the crazy it will be a good semester for me academically. The fall semester always is. If everything goes according to plan, this will be my last semester as an undergraduate.

Then what....

No idea. ...............

Being an undergraduate is my current excuse for everything (viable excuse). I'm glad I won't have the crutch anymore, but damn it will be a challenge to learn how to live. Especially after 15 years of an undergraduate career.

Reading Gogol now for my crime and punishment in World Lit class. My professor is a sweet man. The older ones with the experience and without the arrogance always make the best teachers. I'm glad for our first go at things he chose a book that is well written and interesting.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Writers Block

I've been truly neglecting this blog and I know why. I can't write a paper for school let alone write my random thoughts in my blog.


If you have any ideas on how to get over writers block let me know

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Slowly Surely I walk away from that old

desperate and daze of love

caught up in the maze of love

the crazy craze of love

thought it was good

thought it was real

thought it was

but it wasn't love

This is not a test.

This is not a poast about love...its a poast about...thought it was....

Anyone can fall in love with a thought or an idea. This song is about escape to me. Thinking about a reality that doesn't exisit is a defense mechanism. You can't address the problems of today if you are are caught up the crazy craze of love and not the current reality of your life today. Why live in the world of crazy love when you are currently single? Why plan a graduation trip when you have a ton of school work in the Spring semester to complete? Don't start buying clothes for a new job that you haven't applied for that just sounds perfect to you because you thought it was....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You ever just feel....

Have you ever had a feeling that you couldn't explain? I had a conversation with a friend recently. From what I understood from her is that is was more upsetting to go through the moods. To go through the ups and downs.

I don't know how to continue to write without further delving into something that need not be on my blog

Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Year, New Layout

It probably won't stay but I needed the change. It seems that the more interaction I have with people, the more I want to teach. I keep the books because of my constant desire to learn.

Two days from now I will be back in Professor Fouron's class.

Hindsight - recognition of the realities, possiblities or requirements of a situation, event, etc. after its occurence Reference

I'm excited because he inspiries me. I'm excited because I feel like he teaches what's important. We don't always see eye to eye.
But that is life

He teaches me that's OK. If that is OK in the classroom it is OK for life.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tumblr womp womp womp

So the Tumblr went bye bye

The blackberry app just had too many issues

There was no resolution or recap post for 2010.

Part of it was due to the stomach flu.

Part of it due to not wanting to look backwards.

Time to start wanting more positive things in my life.

I will probably go to church in the morning and pray to God for tolerance. Now I'm not about to start sprouting hate.

I must admit that I am not always patient with people who stay in ruts,
who use other circumstances and choose not to change.

No one is perfect.

I get that.

I don't get not wanting personal change and growth.

I have to accept people for who they are and how they want to stay.


I will never accept people who choose to purposely hurt people just because they can.